Mother’s Day Mini Sessions | Portland family photographer

Motherhood is one of the most wonderful things in life.  Motherhood demands everything from you, and it searches the deepest parts of your soul for your strengths–and your weaknesses.  It takes your strengths and imparts them to your children. It takes your weaknesses and challenges you to improve them.  But I think the most amazing part of motherhood is the pouring of yourself into your kids’ lives.  It is one of the most selfless endeavors a human being can embark on.  As a mom you give of yourself daily, you strain yourself to the very last drop, you invest in your kids and deprive yourself of so many things.  But the result, the result is priceless.  A tiny life growing under your watch that will some day impact the world.  A tiny smile that tugs on the deepest strings of your heart, that will some day comfort you in your old age. A person, the most precious part of your life, that will some day be much more than a child. This person will be your friend and your companion. The one you will share adventures and memories with, the one you will hug, hold close, let go of, long for, love and admire.

This mother’s day don’t miss the chance to document your journey of motherhood.  The early days are so sweet, but pass so quickly, and soon they will only be a memory. Give yourself the gift of that tiny smile, that tiny embrace, to take with you through the years.



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